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8th International Competition for Young Guitarists
«Andrés Segovia» in Velbert from 18th to 21st June 2014
PRIZEWINNERS 2014 Age group 1 (under 14 years)
1st prize | LEE Hojin | Republic of Korea |
3rd prize | Leonora SPANGENBERGER | Germany |
4th prize | Stojan STOJANOV | Republic of Macedonia |
5th prize | Niklas JUNKER | Germany |
PRIZEWINNERS 2014 Age group 2 (14 to 16 years)
1st prize | Andrzej GRYGIER | Poland |
1st prize | LOH Kevin | Singapore |
3rd prize | Alecu Vicentiu CIAPI | Romania |
4th prize | Silvio BILIC | Croatia |
4th prize | Lucija ŠTIVČEVIĆ | Croatia |
PRIZEWINNERS 2014 Age group 3 (17 to 19 years)
1st prize | Florian BRETTSCHNEIDER | Germany |
1st prize | Luka LOVREKOVIĆ | Croatia |
3rd prize | Niels PFEFFER | Germany |
4th prize | Vassilis DIGOS | Greece |
5th prize | Nikica POLEGUBIĆ | Croatia |
EGTA-Preis for the best interpretation of a piece composed after 1950:
Axel Sebastian Wehning, Germany
Master guitar from Constantin Dumitriu (Romania)
Luka Lovreković, Croatia
Stipend for Koblenz International Guitar Festival & Academy
Andrzej Grygier, Poland
Ema Kapor, Serbia
Stipend for Forum Gitarre Wien
Dominik Carević, Croatia
Marta Faullend Heferer, Croatia
Stipend for Internationale Gitarrenfestspiele Nürtingen
Zuzanna Wężyk, Poland
Stipend for Internationales Gitarren-Symposion Iserlohn
Tadas Umbrasas, Lithuania
Stipend for Internationales Bergisches Gitarrenfestival
Željana Jerić, Croatia
Applications from 31 countries
Overview of the applications in March 2014
Nationalität | Nationality | |
Belgien | Belgium | 1 |
Deutschland | Germany | 29 |
Finnland | Finland | 1 |
Frankreich | France | 1 |
Griechenland | Greece | 1 |
Indonesien | Indonesia | 1 |
Israel | Israel | 1 |
Italien | Italy | 1 |
Japan | Japan | 1 |
Kroatien | Croatia | 16 |
Litauen | Lithuania | 2 |
Niederlande | Netherlands | 2 |
Österreich | Austria | 3 |
Polen | Poland | 5 |
Portugal | Portugal | 3 |
Republik Korea | Republic of Korea | 3 |
Rebublik Kosovo | Republic of Kosovo | 1 |
Republik Makedonien | Republic of Macedonia | 1 |
Republik Moldau | Republic of Moldova | 1 |
Rumänien | Romania | 1 |
Russland | Russia | 4 |
Schweiz | Switzerland | 2 |
Serbien | Serbia | 3 |
Singapur | Singapore | 1 |
Slowakei | Slovakia | 2 |
Ukraine | Ukraine | 4 |
Ungarn | Hungary | 1 |
USA | USA | 1 |
Vietnam | Vietnam | 1 |
Volksrepublik China | People's Republic of China | 1 |
Weißrussland | Belarus | 3 |
SUM | 98 |