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International Competition for Young Guitarists
«Andrés Segovia» in Velbert from 18th to 21st June 2014

The competition is public with free access to all performances.
The door opens every 15 minutes with the change of candidates.
For a detailed timetable see "Overview".
Zoran Dukić, Guitar
19th June 2014 20 h Forum Niederberg
Entrance fee: 15 / 5 children and students
One price category only, seats without numbering, free choice of seats.
Advance ticket sales available:
at all municipal service stations and at the Velbert Tourist-Information.
Reservations by phone: +49 (0)2051 262 818
Online Tickets HERE
Rafael Cortés Trio
20th June 2014 20 h Square "Am Offers"
We changed the concert with the Rafael Cortéz Trio to an open air event which will
take place to the same time on the square "Am Offers" (1 minute on foot from the Forum)
There will be no entrance fee.
Those who already bought their tickets online can get their money refunded at the
evening box office at the Forum.
Prizewinners Concert
21st June 2014 18 h Forum Niederberg
Free access
Seat reservation tickets are only available on the concert evening at the box office.